
There is a story behind my love for pelicans.

I’ve read they are among one of the most recognized nurturers in nature. Even ancient stories recount them making great sacrifices for their young. To see them fly in groups, skimming the waves is quite mesmerizing. Their council speaks to accepting help, giving help and to letting go in order to make way for better things.

The day I said good bye to my dog Crosby I had gotten him downstairs to the lower deck. He could barely walk and we were waiting for the vet (who was kind enough to make a house call). He slept with his head in my lap and I sat with him for several hours brushing him and talking to him.

A single pelican kept flying by.

I knew I was saying goodbye to him that day. I think he knew too. So I told Crosby the pelican would be our sign. I said every time I saw one I would know he was saying hi to me.

Sometimes it makes me cry to see them but more and more I smile and am thankful for that moment to say hello to my best buddy.


One year.